root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
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root# set system login user admin class super-user authentication plain-text-password root# new password : root# retype new password: // 添加另外一个用户: set system login user sysin classsuper-userauthenticationplain-text-password
补充:通过 RESET CONFIG 按键恢复出厂设置
To reset the device to its factory default configuration, press and hold the Reset Config button on the front panel of the SRX Series device for at least 15 seconds, until the Status LED glows amber.
注意:所有配置和备份都降丢失,按下 RESET CONFIG 按钮,保持 15 秒以上,直到 Status LED 灯变成琥珀色
3. 网线连接
(1)HA 带外管理端口 MGMT,即 fxp0,线缆接入交换机
For SRX100 devices, connect the fe-0/0/6 port to the fe-1/0/6 port
For SRX210 devices, connect the fe-0/0/6 port to the fe-2/0/6 port
For SRX240 devices, connect the ge-0/0/0 port to the ge-5/0/0 port
For SRX550 devices, connect the ge-0/0/0 port to the ge-9/0/0 port
For SRX650 devices, connect the ge-0/0/0 port to the ge-9/0/0 port
2019 年更新
SRX300, ge-0/0/0 <—> ge-1/0/0
SRX320, ge-0/0/0 <—> ge-3/0/0
SRX340/345, 专有管理口
SRX550, ge-0/0/0 <—> ge-9/0/0
SRX1500, 专有管理口
SRX high-end 系列有专有管理端口
(2)HA 控制信号端口 Control Port,即 fxp1,线缆直连
你必须使用下面设备指定端口来作为 HA 控制信号端口进行互连,即 fxp1
For SRX100 devices, connect the fe-0/0/7 port to the fe-1/0/7 port
For SRX210 devices, connect the fe-0/0/7 port to the fe-2/0/7 port
For SRX240 devices, connect the ge-0/0/1 port to the ge-5/0/1 port
For SRX550 devices, connect the ge-0/0/1 port to the ge-9/0/1 port
For SRX650 devices, connect the ge-0/0/1 port to the ge-9/0/1 port
2019 年更新
SRX300, ge-0/0/1 <—> ge-1/0/1
SRX320, ge-0/0/1 <—> ge-3/0/1
SRX340/345, ge-0/0/1 <—> ge-5/0/1
SRX550, ge-0/0/1 <—> ge-9/0/1
SRX1500, 专有控制口
SRX High-End 系列有专有控制端口
SRX550 标准配置 6 个千兆以太网口,只能部署单线的 HA 结构,双线必须增加接口板卡
SRX650 标准配置 4 个千兆以太网口,如果需要部署 HA 结构,则必须增加数据接口板卡(因为 HA 控制平面、数据平面和带外管理接口被占用了至少 3 个接口)
注意:虚 IP 的 MAC 地址,是由 cluter-id 决定的,在同一网段的两组设备可能冲突,注意配置不同的 cluter-id
经过测试,配置后可以更改 cluter-id,分别在两个 node 上执行上述命令即可
Redundant Ethernet interface 的 MAC 地址是虚拟的,其值根据以下公式可以计算得出:
CCCC: Cluster ID
RR: Reserved. 00.
VV: Version, 00 for the first release
IIIIIIII: Interface id, derived from the reth index.
2. 指定 Control Port
SRX Branch 系列,则无需指定,默认规定采用某一个接口作为控制接口,参考上一节
SRX hign-end 系列有专用 Control 端口
3. 指定 Fabric Link Port
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set interfaces fab0 fabric-options member-interfaces ge-0/0/2 set interfaces fab1 fabric-options member-interfaces ge-5/0/2
注:Fabric Link 中的 Fab0 固定用于 node 0,Fab1 固定用于 node 1
4. 配置 Redundancy Group
RG0 固定用于主控板 RE 切换,RG1 以后用于 redundant interface 切换,RE 切换独立于接口切换
set groups node0 system host-name SRX-A set groups node0 interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address带外网管口名称为 fxp0,区别 ScreenOS 的 MGT 口) set groups node1 system host-name SRX-B set groups node1 interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address
set apply-groups ${node} //(应用上述 groups 配置)
配置带外管理口 backup-router
The backup-router destination of is not recommended, and should be avoided.
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set groups node0 system backup-router destination set groups node1 system backup-router destination
set security zones security-zone trust interfaces reth0.0 set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic system-services all set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Outside interfaces reth1.0 //set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic system-services all // 配置 ssh,ping 即可 set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic system-services ssh set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic system-services ping set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Inside interfaces reth2.0 set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Inside host-inbound-traffic system-services all set security zones security-zone CT-sysin-Inside host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Outside interfaces reth3.0 //set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic system-services all // 配置 ssh,ping 即可 set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic system-services ssh set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic system-services ping set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Outside host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Inside interfaces reth4.0 set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Inside host-inbound-traffic system-services all set security zones security-zone CU-sysin-Inside host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set routing-options interface-routes rib-group inet inside set routing-options static route next-hop 默认网关指向电信或者联通默认网关,看来只能默认从一条线路出? set routing-options static route next-hop 内部网络指向核心交换 set routing-options rib-groups inside import-rib inet.0
set routing-options rib-groups inside import-rib CT.inet.0 set routing-options rib-groups inside import-rib CU.inet.0
set routing-instances CT instance-type virtual-router set routing-instances CT interface reth1.0 set routing-instances CT interface reth2.0 set routing-instances CT routing-options interface-routes rib-group inet inside // 这句可以不用配置,配置后实例路由表包含其他实例的条目 set routing-instances CT routing-options static route next-hop 电信内部 IP 段指向 F5,可以不用配置 set routing-instances CT routing-options static route next-hop 电信外部 IP 段默认网关
set routing-instances CU instance-type virtual-router set routing-instances CU interface reth3.0 set routing-instances CU interface reth4.0 set routing-instances CU routing-options interface-routes rib-group inet inside // 这句可以不用配置,配置后实例路由表包含其他实例的标目 set routing-instances CU routing-options static route next-hop 联通外部 IP 段指向 F5,可以不用配置 set routing-instances CU routing-options static route next-hop 联通外部 IP 段默认网关
// 电信内部到电信外部,默认允许 set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Inside to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy CT-Outbound match source-address any set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Inside to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy CT-Outbound match destination-address any set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Inside to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy CT-Outbound match application any set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Inside to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy CT-Outbound then permit
// 电信外部到电信内部,允许特定协议 set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound match source-address any set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound match destination-address any set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound match application junos-http set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound match application junos-https set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound match application junos-icmp-all set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound match application junos-smtp set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound match application TCP-8080 set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound then permit set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone CT-sysin-Inside policy CT-Inbound then log session-close
// 联通内部到联通外部,默认允许 // 注意 CU 和 CT 差别 set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Inside to-zone CU-sysin-Outside policy CU-Outbound match source-address any set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Inside to-zone CU-sysin-Outside policy CU-Outbound match destination-address any set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Inside to-zone CU-sysin-Outside policy CU-Outbound match application any set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Inside to-zone CU-sysin-Outside policy CU-Outbound then permit
// 联通外部到联通内部,允许特定协议 // 注意 CU 和 CT 差别 set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound match source-address any set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound match destination-address any set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound match application junos-http set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound match application junos-https set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound match application junos-icmp-all set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound match application junos-smtp set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound match application TCP-8080 set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound then permit set security policies from-zone CU-sysin-Outside to-zone CU-sysin-Inside policy CU-Inbound then log session-close
// 内部到外部,默认用电信允许全部 set security policies from-zone trust to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy trust-outbound match source-address any set security policies from-zone trust to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy trust-outbound match destination-address any set security policies from-zone trust to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy trust-outbound match application any set security policies from-zone trust to-zone CT-sysin-Outside policy trust-outbound then permit
// 电信外部到内部,指定应用 set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone trust policy policy-1 match source-address any set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone trust policy policy-1 match destination-address set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone trust policy policy-1 match application any set security policies from-zone CT-sysin-Outside to-zone trust policy policy-1 then permit
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set applications application TCP-8080 protocol tcp set applications application TCP-8080 source-port 1-65535 set applications application TCP-8080 destination-port 8080
11. 其他常用配置
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// 定义一个 TCP 8080 端口的应用 set applications application TCP-8080 protocol tcp set applications application TCP-8080 source-port 1-65535 set applications application TCP-8080 destination-port 8080
set system ntp server version 3 set system ntp server version 3 set system ntp server prefer //version 3 为 Windows NTP,或者直接配置 set system ntp server set system ntp server
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set system services ssh set system services telnet // 可以 delete set system services xnm-clear-text // 建议 delete set system services web-management http // 建议 delete set system services web-management https system-generated-certificate // 可以 delete
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set chassis alarm ethernet link-down ignore // 设置全部端口不产生告警 // 注意:link-down 可以侦测端口的状态,如果设置了端口 link down 的 alarm 告警,则不用的端口最好 disable,以避免频繁告警 // 补充: set chassis alarm ethernet link-down red // 设置全部端口产生告警
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set snmp location Beijing set snmp contact "[email protected]" set snmp community <abc> authorization read-only // 将 <abc> 修改为自定义的字符 set security zones security-zone trust host-inbound-traffic system-services snmp // 注意开启 zone 的 snmp 服务,这里是 trust
关闭 ALG
ALG 应用级网关,也叫做应用层网关(Application Layer Gateway)
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set security alg [协议名称] disable set security alg dns disable set security alg sql disable
针对内网口,设置源地址 nat
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set security nat source rule-set trust-to-CT from zone trust set security nat source rule-set trust-to-CT to zone CT-sysin-Outside set security nat source rule-set trust-to-CT rule 01 match source-address 或者直接 set security nat source rule-set trust-to-CT rule 01 then source-nat interface
设置 DNS(系统默认这条是用 OpenDNS)
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set system name-server set system name-server
配置 syslog
Branch 设备:
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// 开启 syslog root@SRX# set system syslog host <IP address of the remote Syslog server (i.e., Firewall Analyzer)> any any set system syslog host source-address // 策略开启日志 root@SRX# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all then log session-close
High-End 设备:
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set security log mode stream set security log source-address set security log stream trafficlogs host // 开启 policy 的日志记录 then log session-close set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all then log session-close
当 control port 或 fabric link 出现故障时,为避免出现双 master (split-brain) 现象,JSRP 会把出现 故障前状态为 secdonary 的 node 设为 disabled 状态,即除了 RE,其余部件都不工作。想要恢复必须 reboot 该 node。
(7) 查看群集的相关命令
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root@SRX> show chassis cluster status show chassis cluster interfaces show chassis cluster statistics show chassis cluster control-plane statistics show chassis cluster data-plane statistics show chassis cluster status redundancy-group 0 show chassis cluster status redundancy-group 1
request system software in-service-upgrade /path/to/package reboot
{primary:node0} root@SRX3400-1> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/junos-srx1k3k-12.3X48-D50.6-domestic.tgz reboot
Important note
Unlike with the ICU upgrade process, you have to enter the option reboot to confirm that you want a reboot after. If you don’t use the option reboot, the command will fail. This only applies to the High End SRX devices, SRX1400, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX5600 and SRX5800.
SRX 240b(240h)支持不了新版本,仅仅支持到 12.1x46,并已停产
ERROR: Unsupported platform srx240b for 12.1X47 and higher