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OpenBSD 项目产生了一个免费的、基于 4.4BSD 的多平台类 UNIX 操作系统。我们的努力强调可移植性、标准化、正确性、主动安全性和集成密码学。作为 OpenBSD 影响的一个例子,流行的 OpenSSH 软件就来自 OpenBSD。
OpenBSD 可从我们的下载网站免费获取。
当前版本是 OpenBSD 7.5,于 2024 年 4 月 5 日发布。这是第 56 个版本。新增功能详见。
OpenBSD 完全由志愿者开发 (sysin)。该项目的开发环境和开发者活动由 OpenBSD 基金会收集的捐款资助。贡献确保 OpenBSD 将继续成为一个充满活力且免费的操作系统。
显然,每个使用 OpenBSD 的开发人员都有自己的目标和优先事项,但可以对我们共同的目标进行分类:
提供最好的开发平台。为开发人员和用户提供完整的源代码访问权限,包括能够直接查看 CVS 树的变化。用户甚至可以直接在网络上查看我们的源代码树并进行更改!
将任何来源的良好代码与可接受的集成许可证。首选 ISC 或伯克利风格许可证,不接受 GPL 添加新代码时,保密协议是不可接受的。我们希望提供任何人都可以用于任何目的的源代码 目的,没有任何限制。我们努力使我们的软件健壮且安全,并鼓励 公司可以使用他们想要的任何部分 (sysin)。有 OpenBSD 的商业衍生产品。
加密软件的更大集成。OpenBSD 是由加拿大开发和发布的,并且由于加拿大法律向世界出口加密货币是合法的(如由加拿大人研究并作为记录在加拿大出口管制清单中)。
跟踪和实施标准(ANSI、POSIX、X/Open 的一部分等)
努力建立一个完全独立于机器的源代码树 (sysin)。支持尽可能多的不同系统和硬件尽可能可行。
Supported platforms
OpenBSD 在以下平台上得到官方支持。官方支持意味着已知发布安装介质可以工作 (sysin),体系结构可以自编译,并且大多数基本工具都存在于体系结构上。此外,新版本总是存在的,并且有人尝试定期提供快照。
OpenBSD is officially supported on the following platforms. Official support means that the release install media is known to work, that the architecture can self-compile itself, and that most of the basic tools exist on the architecture (sysin). As well, new releases always exist, and there are attempts to make snapshots available on a regular basis.
- alpha - Digital Alpha-based systems
- amd64 - AMD64-based systems
- arm64 - 64-bit ARM systems
- armv7 - ARM based devices, such as BeagleBone, PandaBoard, CuBox-i, SABRE Lite, Nitrogen6x and Wandboard
- hppa - Hewlett-Packard Precision Architecture (PA-RISC) systems
- i386 - Standard PC and clones based on the Intel i386 architecture and compatible processors
- landisk - IO-DATA Landisk systems (such as USL-5P) based on the SH4 cpu
- loongson - Loongson 2E- and 2F-based systems, such as the Lemote Fuloong and Yeeloong, Gdium Liberty, etc.
- luna88k - Omron LUNA-88K and LUNA-88K2 workstations
- macppc - Apple New World PowerPC-based machines, from the iMac onwards
- octeon - Cavium Octeon-based MIPS64 systems
- powerpc64 - IBM POWER-based PowerNV systems
- riscv64 - 64-bit RISC-V systems
- sparc64 - Sun UltraSPARC and Fujitsu SPARC64 systems
下载 OpenBSD
OpenBSD 7.5 x86_64 & aarch64 iso
The following installation images are available:
*install75.img- | A disk image that can be written to a USB flash drive or similar device. Includes the file sets. amd64 | arm64 | i386 | octeon | powerpc64 | riscv64 | sparc64 |
*miniroot75.img- | The same as above, but file sets are not included. They can be pulled down from the internet or from a local disk. alpha | amd64 | arm64 | armv7 | i386 | landisk | loongson | luna88k | octeon | powerpc64 | riscv64 | sparc64 |
*install75.iso- | An ISO 9660 image that can be used to create an install CD/DVD. Includes the file sets. alpha | amd64 | arm64 | hppa | i386 | macppc | powerpc64 | sparc64 |
*cd75.iso- | The same as above, but file sets are not included. alpha | amd64 | hppa | i386 | loongson | macppc | sparc64 |
*floppy75.img- | Supports some older machines that lack other booting options. amd64 | i386 | sparc64 |
Images can also be downloaded from a number of alternate mirror sites.
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- OpenBSD 7.5 正式版发布