VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.4 新增功能


Posted by sysin on 2024-04-20
Estimated Reading Time 28 Minutes
Words 5.7k In Total
更新日期:Sat Apr 20 2024 10:50:00 GMT+0800,阅读量:

请访问原文链接:VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.4 - 全栈网络和安全虚拟化 查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。


VMware NSX 3.2.4 | 18 APRIL 2024 | Build 23653566
VMware NSX 3.2.3 | 09 MAY 2023 | Build 21703624
VMware NSX 3.2.2 | 08 NOV 2022 | Build 20737185
VMware NSX 3.2.1 | 17 MAY 2022 | Build 19801959
VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2 | 16 DEC 2021 | Build 19067070
VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.1 | 30 October 2020 | Build 17107167
VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.0 | 07 April 2020 | Build 15946738

NSX-T 概述

VMware NSX-T™ Data Center 提供了一个敏捷式软件定义基础架构,用来构建云原生应用程序环境。

NSX-T Data Center 专注于为具有异构端点环境和技术堆栈的新兴应用程序框架和架构提供网络、安全和自动化并简化操作。NSX-T Data Center 支持云原生应用程序、裸机工作负载、多 Hypervisor 环境、公有云和多个云。

NSX-T Data Center 旨在由开发组织管理、操作和使用。NSX-T Data Center 允许 IT 团队和开发团队选择最适合其应用程序的技术。


与服务器虚拟化以编程方式创建和管理虚拟机的方法相同,NSX-T Data Center 网络虚拟化也以编程方式创建和管理虚拟网络。

通过网络虚拟化,与网络 Hypervisor 功能等效的组件以软件形式再现一整套第 2 层至第 7 层网络服务(例如,交换、路由、访问控制、防火墙和 QoS)。因此,可以使用编程方式任意组合这些服务 (sysin),只需短短几秒,即可生成独一无二的隔离虚拟网络。

NSX-T Data Center 的工作方式是实现三个单独但集成的层面:管理、控制和数据。这些层面是作为位于两种类型的节点上的一组进程、模块和代理实现的:NSX Manager 和传输节点。

  • 每个节点托管一个管理平面代理。
  • NSX Manager 节点托管 API 服务和管理平面集群守护进程。
  • NSX Controller 节点托管中央控制平面集群守护进程。
  • 传输节点托管本地控制平面守护进程和转发引擎。

NSX Manager 支持具有三个节点的集群,它在节点集群上合并 Policy Manager、管理和中央控制服务。NSX Manager 集群提供用户界面和 API 的高可用性 (sysin)。管理和控制平面节点的融合减少了必须由 NSX-T Data Center 管理员部署和管理的虚拟设备数。

NSX Manager 设备具有三种不同的大小以用于不同的部署场景:

  • 小型设备适用于实验室或概念证明部署。
  • 中型设备适用于最多 64 个主机的部署。
  • 大型设备适用于部署到大型环境的客户。


VMware NSX 3.2.4 | 18 APRIL 2024 | Build 23653566

NSX-T Data Center 3.2.4 是一个仅包含错误修复的更新版本。修复了 212 个已知问题,篇幅过长,详见官方文档。

VMware NSX 3.2.3 | 9 MAY 2023 | Build 21703624

NSX-T Data Center 3.2.3 是一个仅包含错误修复的更新版本。修复了152 个已知问题,篇幅过长,详见官方文档。

VMware NSX 3.2.2 | 08 NOV 2022 | Build 20737185

NSX-T Data Center 3.2.2 包含一系列新特性,从而为私有云、公有云和多云环境提供新的虚拟化网络连接和安全功能及增强功能。新功能和增强功能涉及以下重点领域:


  • 网桥支持允许通过全局管理器配置网桥,并连接在全局管理器中创建的分段上的网桥。

Edge 平台

  • NSX-T 可显示内存泄漏问题和 NSX Edge 节点进程终止。NSX Manager 还会触发相应的警报。


  • fw/del_conn 命令提供了一个用于删除失效条目的选项。目前,IPv4 支持此命令。

NSX Data Center for vSphere 到 NSX-T Data Center 的迁移

  • 在就地迁移期间暂停或移除主机:迁移协调器支持在主机迁移阶段在主机之间暂停或移除主机。
  • 在迁移协调器中为直接迁移添加了新的迁移模式 - “配置和 Edge 迁移”。
  • 用户定义的拓扑:在直接迁移过程中使用迁移协调器迁移配置时,支持 NSX-T 负载均衡器。


  • 传输节点配置文件中的子传输节点配置文件:可在传输节点配置文件 (TNP) 中创建子 TNP,以部署和维护延伸 L3/L2 集群和延伸 vSAN 集群,并大规模支持这些集群。
  • 将多个 NSX 管理集群注册到单个 vCenter Server:此功能允许按集群隔离 NSX 生命周期管理,并让所有 NSX 工作负载都连接到 vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) 上的 NSX。


  • 备份和还原:可行备份是还原系统以实现灾难恢复的关键。现在,可在 NSX Manager UI 中获取配置备份的提醒。
  • 升级就绪:现在,NSX 升级评估工具在 NSX 框架中集成了升级前检查。无需花费额外的资源,无需获得合规性批准,也无需担心使用独立设备进行版本控制。只需像现在一样运行升级前检查,NSX 将检查 NSX 部署的就绪状态,以便成功升级 NSX Manager。

VMware NSX 3.2.1 | 17 MAY 2022 | Build 19801959

NSX-T Data Center 3.2.1 包含一系列新特性,为虚拟化网络连接、安全以及从 NSX Data Center for vSphere 迁移提供了多种新功能。主要特性和增强功能涵盖以下重点领域。


  • 再次支持联合棕地载入。您可以将本地管理器上的现有对象升级为全局管理器配置。

  • 联合跟踪流 - 跟踪流现在可以从全局管理器启动,并且可以显示数据包经过的不同位置。

  • 联合支持更高的延迟 - 以下组件之间支持的网络延迟从 150 毫秒增加到 500 毫秒往返时间:

    • 全局管理器活动集群和全局管理器备用集群之间
    • 全局管理器集群和本地管理器集群之间
    • 不同位置的本地管理器集群之间

    这为安全用例提供了更大的灵活性。对于网络延伸用例,RTEP 之间的最大延迟仍为 150 毫秒往返时间。

Edge 平台

  • NSX Edge 节点(虚拟机规格) - 最多支持 4 个数据路径接口。通过 NSX-T 3.2.1,您可以为绿地部署再添加一个数据路径接口。对于棕地部署,如果需要三个以上的 vmnic,则可以使用 NSX 重新部署。针对基于 OVF 的部署 NSX Edge 节点,您需要在部署期间拥有四个数据路径接口。


  • 分布式防火墙现在支持物理服务器 SLES 12 SP5。


  • **TLS 1.2 检查在 NSX-T 3.2 中处于技术预览版模式,现在在 NSX-T 3.2.1 中可用于生产环境。**使用此功能,网关防火墙可以解密和检查负载,以防止任何高级持久性威胁。
  • NSX-T 3.2.1 中引入了 IDPS(入侵检测和防御系统)。借助此功能,网关防火墙 IDPS 可检测到任何利用系统缺陷或未经授权访问系统的尝试。

NSX Data Center for vSphere 到 NSX-T Data Center 的迁移

  • 对于以下模式,迁移协调器现在支持迁移到具有两个 TEP 且部署了 Edge 节点的 NSX-T 环境:用户定义的拓扑、迁移分布式防火墙配置、主机和工作负载。
  • 迁移协调器支持在单个站点的迁移期间添加主机。
  • 向迁移协调器添加了对跨 vCenter 联合迁移的支持,仅包括端到端和配置。
  • 迁移协调器现在支持在迁移期间更改证书。


  • 滚动升级 NSX 管理集群 - 从 NSX-T 3.2.1 升级 NSX 管理集群时,现在可以通过滚动升级功能实现 NSX 管理平面 (MP) 接近零的停机时间。使用此功能,可缩短 MP 升级的维护时间段,并且在整个升级过程中可正常进行 NSX MP API/UI 访问,而不会像以前一样影响数据平面工作负载。
  • 以非 root 用户身份在裸机/物理服务器上安装 NSX - 在 NSX-T 3.2.1 中,您现在可以以非 root 用户身份在 Linux 裸机/物理服务器上安装 NSX。

N-VDS 到 VDS 迁移器工具

  • 重新引入 N-VDS 到 VDS 迁移器工具后,您可以将底层 N-VDS 连接迁移到 VDS 上的 NSX,同时保持工作负载在 Hypervisor 上运行。
  • 如果存在具有相同 N-VDS 名称的不同 N-VDS 配置,则 N-VDS 到 VDS 迁移器工具现在支持迁移底层 N-VDS 连接。
  • 在 ESX 上部署 NSX 期间,NSX 会检查 VDS 配置的 MTU 以确保其可以容纳覆盖网络流量。否则,VDS 的 MTU 将自动调整为 NSX 全局 MTU。


  • TLS 检查的证书管理增强功能 - 随着 TLS 检查功能的引入,证书管理现在支持添加和修改证书包,并且能够生成与 TLS 检查功能一起使用的 CA 证书。此外,常规证书管理 UI 可以进行修改以简化证书导入/导出。

VMware NSX 3.2 | 16 DEC 2021 | Build 19067070

NSX-T Data Center 3.2.0 是一个主要版本,在 NSX-T 的所有垂直领域提供了很多新功能:网络、安全、服务和载入。以下是一些主要的增强功能。

  • 与交换机无关的分布式安全功能:能够将微分段扩展到 vSphere 网络上部署的工作负载。

  • 网关安全功能:增强的 L7 应用程序 ID、恶意软件检测和沙箱、URL 筛选、用户 ID 防火墙、TLS 检查(技术预览版)和入侵检测和防御服务 (IDS/IPS)。

  • 增强的分布式安全功能:恶意软件检测和防御、行为 IDS/IPS、L7 防火墙的增强应用程序身份。

  • 改进了与 NSX Advanced Load Balancer 的集成:从 NSX-T UI 中安装和配置 NSX ALB (Avi);将 NSX for vSphere LB 迁移到 NSX ALB (Avi)。

  • NSX for vSphere 到 NSX-T 的迁移:迁移协调器的主要增强功能可以扩展支持的 NSX for vSphere 拓扑的覆盖范围,并在目标 NSX-T 拓扑上提供了灵活性。

  • 改进了对 Log4j 漏洞的保护:Apache Log4j 已更新到版本 2.16 以解决 CVE-2021-44228 和 CVE-2021-45046。有关这些漏洞及其对 VMware 产品所造成影响的详细信息,请参见 VMSA-2021-0028。



NSX-T 3.2.4 文件描述

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.4

Release Date: 2024-04-18

File Information


NSX Manager/ NSX Global Manager / NSX Cloud Service Manager for VMware ESXi
File size: 10.32 GB
Name: nsx-unified-appliance-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This is the NSX Manager Appliance in Open Virtualization Appliance Format (OVA). Download the NSX Manager on a computer and use the VMware OVF Tool or vSphere GUI client to deploy to an ESXi host or a vSphere environment.
SHA256SUM: 6726b1422adc05655d0326debc20fb2227fd51adad28f9ab64206f7a87636a28

NSX Manager with vCenter Plugin
File size: 10.32 GB
Name: nsx-embedded-unified-appliance-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This OVF and the related files are used to deploy NSX directly from within vCenter Server 7.0 U3c or newer and includes an integrated plugin to enable deployment and configuration of NSX directly from within the vCenter UI (sysin). The plugin also provides workflows in vCenter for simplified consumption of Security and Virtual Networking functionality provided by NSX and is supported with one vCenter Server instance. If you are deploying NSX in standalone mode you should use the NSX Manager OVA file instead.
SHA256SUM: ce2d44d72b0a6e4ba6c794e39315d6b153f0c98bdab5db89a359c44cf34d31bc

NSX Edge for Bare Metal
File size: 2.46 GB
Name: nsx-edge-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This is the NSX Edge Appliance in ISO format. Download the ISO and use the appropriate installation process to install the NSX Edge onto bare metal hardware. This may be manual installation via CDROM or Flash based drive or automated using a PXE based system or similar automated deployment model.
SHA256SUM: 2aaa54c319520af3df19846f42198731d8299303afc50046061e7404467f9987

NSX Edge for VMware ESXi
File size: 2.81 GB
Name: nsx-edge-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This is the NSX Edge Appliance in Open Virtualization Appliance Format (OVA). Download the NSX Edge on a computer and use the VMware OVF Tool or vSphere GUI Client to deploy to an ESXi host. The OVA can be deployed as an NSX Edge managed by NSX-T Manager or as an independent NSX-T L2 VPN Client appliance. NSX-T L2 VPN Client enables L2 VPN access from a non-a NSX environment to NSX environments (sysin). The NSX-T L2 VPN Client has its own API / UI for configuration and provides better performance than the Standalone Edge Client. This L2 VPN client is recommended over the “Stand Alone Edge Client” for any new deployment of NSX-T.
SHA256SUM: 0902c564ba9ba63951b4f64287a9a58b130d3823e41b824de7122e0e5814ae4f

NSX Kernel Module for VMware ESXi 6.5
File size: 31.17 MB
Name: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on ESXi 6.5 if needed for a manual installation. Use esxcli to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the ESXi hosts.
SHA256SUM: 756386e855d7e06ffa63b797871fccea4030cfbbdf24ebccf8115a32f8b0dab5

NSX Kernel Module for VMware ESXi 6.7
File size: 31.55 MB
Name: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on ESXi 6.7 if needed for a manual installation. Use esxcli to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the ESXi hosts.
SHA256SUM: 5d0fec924e94fc1d9597a4bb0349c722d942191c5cae10b65caf3719b3c09e72

NSX Kernel Module for VMware ESXi 7.0
File size: 45.3 MB
Name: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on ESXi 7.0 if needed for a manual installation. Use esxcli to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the ESXi hosts.
SHA256SUM: b05d106d4c78b89a23c2333e93e28c34305352738a9dc4645110101a6ef78eac

NSX Upgrades

NSX 3.2.4 Upgrade Bundle
File size: 8.45 GB
Name: VMware-NSX-upgrade-bundle-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
Use this file to upgrade from existing NSX Manager. Please see the VMware Product Interoperability Matrices for supported upgrade paths.
SHA256SUM: 198f70075290f0b2a6814128f43d36113366e0744edd3fb495179bc43f1f0446

NSX Cloud Upgrade Bundle for NSX-T 3.2.4
File size: 5.42 GB
Name: VMware-CC-upgrade-bundle-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
Use this file and upload to your existing NSX Cloud Service Manager to upgrade the NSX Public Cloud Gateways and NSX Cloud Agents (sysin). This file also contains upgrade binaries (.mub) for upgrading your Cloud Service Manager.
SHA256SUM: b067c67a31bf19a8af844b64b62a0f0134f2afe04004bd2081a13bad51001abd

Upgrade bundle for NSX-T L2 VPN Client Appliance
File size: 2.36 GB
Name: VMware-NSX-edge-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
Upgrade bundle for NSX-T L2 VPN Client Appliance Use this file for import in the UI of NSX-T L2 VPN Client appliance for upgrade.
SHA256SUM: a279d6763877136abae4e93833d04512b03437bdfba1552a115dda6e530f8d45

[Deprecated] NSX Kernel Module For KVM Hypervisors

[Deprecated] NSX Kernel Module for Canonical Ubuntu 18.04
File size: 106.34 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on KVM systems running on supported Canonical Ubuntu distributions. Use the appropriate Ubuntu command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the KVM hypervisors.
SHA256SUM: 7a693b6ad3662b53ea0968f33d537f68b44398997ae3156c293aa993025bfe61

[Deprecated] NSX Kernel Module for RHEL 7.9
File size: 82.8 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on KVM systems running on supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the KVM hypervisors.
SHA256SUM: c790b67763a8b8fe3c9d8762636f53ec6cf64465305aae4195d3e27b793627f4

[Deprecated] NSX Kernel Module for RHEL 8.2
File size: 83.88 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on KVM systems running on supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the KVM hypervisors.
SHA256SUM: c659289ed969fa9f9a09e2a275f8af08dd60f4b9b31d6a2b3798be2cea758af3

[Deprecated] NSX Kernel Module for RHEL 8.4
File size: 77.14 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on KVM systems running on supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions (sysin). Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the KVM hypervisors.
SHA256SUM: 28d19145f01ff150cdc7f39d12ec188507529b42f7f0498c8536e8d8d9ebaab0

[Deprecated] NSX Kernel Module for SUSE SLES 12sp4
File size: 82.27 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on KVM systems running on supported SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SP4 distributions. Use the appropriate SLES command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the KVM hypervisors.
SHA256SUM: d95340bba6534d0c581cb0e362e1265f8b75a2525adda952ad85d4f6c84b492f

[Deprecated] NSX Kernel Module for Ubuntu 20.04
File size: 106.87 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on KVM systems running on supported Ubuntu distributions. Use the appropriate Ubuntu command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the KVM hypervisors.
SHA256SUM: 2665af474ce677313bb1628fc52fc4ac63059d1682b666d9b07cd8317d889551

[Deprecated] NSX Manager / NSX Cloud Service Manager for KVM Hypervisors-Primary
File size: 13.01 GBw2
Name: nsx-unified-appliance-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This is the file for the primary disk of the NSX Manager Appliance in QEMU Copy on Write version 2 (QCOW2) format. Download the NSX Manager on a computer and use KVM tools to deploy to a KVM hypervisor.
SHA256SUM: 730fac0b66a8107bcb763dedd8c844e97ad70b2633d655fd8f6bec6b0026d2f2

[Deprecated]NSX Manager/ NSX Cloud Service Manager for KVM Hypervisors-Secondary
File size: 193.56 KBw2
Name: nsx-unified-appliance-secondary-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This is the file for the secondary disk of the NSX Manager Appliance in QEMU Copy on Write version 2 (QCOW2) format. Download the NSX Manager on a computer and use KVM tools to deploy to a KVM hypervisor.
SHA256SUM: b28d964f95b89d1bdfaa3fecedba0638f9c386dafb910975712b9ce633548fa9

NSX Kernel Module For Bare Metal Server

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 7.6 / CentOS 7.6 / OEL 7.6
File size: 82.71 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: a885a3b88fa63d03d382d91ec0133683d18e14ac40306ac354e9ba8341ece437

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 7.6 Container
File size: 82.72 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions (sysin). Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 77b0752fbf33ba635f47e7bf26eaff846d238d64d2c6263c32311872689e6964

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 7.7 / CentOS 7.7 / OEL 7.7
File size: 79.75 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: b2007e6d1fb914bf2884f826657a1accfc0b9f8c5c470fe42915399bca338c4b

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 7.7 Container
File size: 79.76 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 93999eb300c3b9dc824bb732dffc5bf25cb87426999109dc1a80ed7796841f12

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 7.8 / CentOS 7.8 / OEL 7.8
File size: 79.76 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 53a4c60107916428496c4160514b0124f8a9020d101d0fae0bce0de5b5a2faa0

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 7.8 Container
File size: 79.76 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 201c0066a7e26a61cc7e410d32c1742dc7147a9b1f486d082148772e1698ea2e

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 7.9 / CentOS 7.9 / OEL 7.9
File size: 82.8 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions (sysin). Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: cf117c8592c4086a857829b8300fc1fba38fbd147802191f3e3a4f5e4144fbeb

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 8.0 / CentOS 8.0
File size: 83.07 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 3da7913457bdf3e5b44ec3bdd5b7394e4fa82cb1351b315378e4fe9d3e78271c

NSX BM Server Module for RHEL 8.3 / CentOS 8.3
File size: 84.25 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distributions. Use the appropriate RHEL command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 5868b764c7e62dcac581cf0c9139cfd5a91bc691af69b3e20a32a23300084f49

NSX BM Server Module for SUSE SLES 12sp3
File size: 84.64 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SP3 distributions. Use the appropriate SLES command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal servers.
SHA256SUM: a14d1c6e8811380d5708ca505e93d9db532341bdcd0f965cbc1f53df369af564

NSX BM Server Module for SUSE SLES 12sp4
File size: 82.27 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SP4 distributions. Use the appropriate SLES command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 296ec1208d676cb7f9767489e29d40a99df50792fcdb47625061dbe0e80a40ec

NSX BM Server Module for SUSE SLES 12sp5
File size: 82.29 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SP5 distributions. Use the appropriate SLES command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 0b8e458db5f78518fe7bae425f7e65286249642b5b13fe290e374e7043cf9601

NSX BM Server Module for Ubuntu 16.04
File size: 106.24 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Ubuntu distributions. Use the appropriate Ubuntu command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: f487d8bb601dcc8cf9c844984ed354b65863f3e99380e451eb6f866c2442f09a

NSX BM Server Module for Ubuntu 18.04
File size: 106.34 MBName: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required kernel modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Ubuntu distributions. Use the appropriate Ubuntu command line tools to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 7069239d57478ea907b663d37426c94679fdb6a96c0ca11bdf20e8563d2c2f57

NSX BM Server Module for Windows 2016/ 2019
File size: 148.68 MB
Name: nsx-lcp-
Release Date: 2024-04-18
This package includes the required modules to enable NSX on Bare Metal systems running supported Windows 2016 distributions. Use the appropriate documented steps to install manually or include as part of an automated deployment system of the Bare Metal Servers.
SHA256SUM: 0b394403022b8c50625d428f96df2f4cec1aa85c6d6b061d0d2c4bf75e7455d2


VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.0 (约 68.9GB 文件完整)

VMware NSX-T Data Center (约 83.7GB 文件完整)

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.1 (约 82.9GB 文件完整)

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.2 (约 76.6GB 文件完整)

VMware NSX-T Data Center (约 56.8GB 文件完整) bug fixes only

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.3 (约 58.2GB 文件完整) 136 known issues are resolved

VMware NSX-T Data Center (约 57GB 文件完整) 19 known issues are resolved

VMware NSX-T Data Center (约 57GB 文件完整) bug fixes only, 7 known issues are resolved

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.4 (约 60GB 文件完整) bug fixes only, 212 known issues are resolved




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