AppSpider Pro 7.5.009 for Windows - Web 应用程序安全测试

Rapid7 Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Posted by sysin on 2024-04-24
Estimated Reading Time 4 Minutes
Words 1k In Total
更新日期:Wed Apr 24 2024 09:19:09 GMT+0800,阅读量:

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  • 保持步伐


  • 降低风险

    降低每次构建的风险,并在 SDLC 中更早地进行修复。

  • 玩得开心

    以正确的方式将正确的洞察力传递给 DevOps。

Web 应用程序安全测试,以弥补您的应用程序中的差距

SPA、API、移动——应用技术的发展以月而非年为单位 (sysin)。您的 Web 应用程序安全测试工具是否旨在跟上步伐?AppSpider 可让您收集测试所有应用程序所需的所有信息,这样您就不会面临巨大的应用程序风险。

我们的动态应用程序安全测试 (DAST) 解决方案甚至可以爬到最现代和最复杂的应用程序的最深、最黑暗的角落,以有效地测试风险并为您提供更快补救所需的洞察力 (sysin)。有了 AppSpider 在您身边(或者,更确切地说,在您的所有方面),您今天就可以扫描所有应用程序,并随时为接下来的任何事情做好准备。

  • 跟上应用发展的步伐

    从 SPA 到移动应用程序,即使是当今最现代的应用程序也无法与 AppSpider 匹敌。

  • 在 SDLC 内工作

    大多数应用程序安全漏洞实际上是设计中的缺陷 - 自然,在软件开发生命周期 (SDLC) 的早期发现它们可以降低风险并为您节省时间、金钱和布洛芬的混乱。

  • 为成功设置 DevOps

    AppSpider 的报告和 DevOps 集成通过为开发人员提供他们需要的信息(以他们理解的语言)来帮助简化补救工作。

  • 控制和自动化

    使用我们的 Web 应用程序安全测试解决方案 (sysin),您始终处于掌控之中。


System Requirements

The following system requirements are necessary to ensure you have the best experience with InsightAppSec and AppSpider Pro (sysin).

Hardware requirements

Hardware Minimum
Processor Quad-core
Disk space 500 GB
Network interface 1

Scan Engine requirements

Hardware Minimum
Processor Quad-core
Disk space 100 GB
Network interface 1

Operating Systems

InsightAppSec and AppSpider Pro

Platform Versions
Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server 2022, Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows 11, Microsoft Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise

AppSpider Enterprise

Platform Versions
Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server 2022, Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft SQL Server Database Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Family including Express Edition, Microsoft SQL Server 2014, Microsoft SQL Server 2016, Microsoft SQL Server 2017, Microsoft SQL Server 2019, Microsoft SQL Server 2022


We support the most recent version of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome (latest)
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest)

Additional requirements for AppSpider Pro

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Redistributable Package

Additional requirements for AppSpider Enterprise

Microsoft ASP.NET Pages Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5 or later with the following:

  • It is recommended to create SQL server account to be used by AppSpider Enterprise
  • It is recommended to install MS SQL Server Management Studio
  • To successfully install AppSpider Enterprise, you must have installed IIS 6.0 Management Compatibility on your IIS 7.0 machine (sysin). For more information, including instructions for installing IIS 6.0 Management Compatibility, please see the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Redistributable Package
  • Run the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool in order to register the .NET Framework with IIS and create application pools that use the .NET Framework 4
  • To successfully permit users to authenticate using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol AppSpider Enterprise supports integration with Active Directory and ADAM servers that have one of the following values of capabilities exposed by DCs on the supported Capabilities attribute of the rootDSE: ‘1.2.840.113556.1.4.800’ or ‘1.2.840.113556.1.4.1851’
  • To successfully install, you will need more free hard disk space than the size of the installer itself (sysin). For more specific information about the space requirements, please contact support


AppSpider Pro v7.5.009 - Apr 23, 2024

关于 Release Notes,小版本多为 Bug 修复或者漏洞库例行更新不在赘述。


更多:HTTP 协议与安全

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