Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches, NX-OS Standalone 10.4(3)F and ACI Mode 16.0(6c)M

include Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 6.0(6c)M

Posted by sysin on 2024-07-10
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Cisco Nexus 9000 系列交换机



Cisco Nexus 9000 系列基于思科芯片构建而成,可从内到外提供行业领先的数据中心性能。

高性能 400G 端口



通过流处理遥测、高级分析和线速加密 (MACsec) 来增强、改善和保护您的网络。


利用支持 10/25 GbE 以太网和 8/16/32 G 光纤通道、融合以太网 RDMA (RoCE) 和 IP 存储的统一端口来降低运营成本。


通过智能缓冲和零丢包 (sysin),将应用完成时间缩短一半。


Cisco Nexus 9000 系列数据中心交换机系列

Nexus 9300 系列交换机

如果您喜欢叶脊式或架顶式,这些非模块化交换机支持从 1G 至 400G 的端口,可全方位满足您的需求。

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Nexus 9400 系列交换机

高带宽,紧凑型封装 (sysin)。这款紧凑型模块化系统可在 4 RU 平台中支持 400G 的速度。

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Nexus 9500 系列交换机

大型企业或成长型企业?模块化配置支持 1G 至 400G 的端口,可全方位满足您的需求。

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重新定义模块化交换。采用高能效分布式架构,支持 400G 和 800G。

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实现前所未有的带宽。信心十足地在 1、2、4 和 16 RU 交换机系列中采用 400G。

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Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.2(2)F
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 15.2(3f)
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 5.2(3f)

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.2(3F)
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 15.2(4d)
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 5.2(4d)

Images File Information Release Date Size
n9000-epld.10.2.3.F.img Nexus 9000 Standalone switch EPLD Image 26-Apr-2022 208.51 MB
guestshell.10.2.3.F.ova Guest Shell container image 26-Apr-2022 62.54 MB
nxos64-cs.10.2.3.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 26-Apr-2022 1867.86 MB
nxos64-msll.10.2.3.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 26-Apr-2022 1463.26 MB
aci-n9000-dk9.15.2.4d.bin Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software 19-Feb-2022 2037.72 MB
aci-apic-dk9.5.2.4d.iso APIC Image 19-Feb-2022 7056.00 MB
aci-apic-dk9.5.2.4d.ova Vapic Image for ESXi or Fusion 19-Feb-2022 6847.72 MB
apic-vrealize-5.2.4d.tgz VRA Image 19-Feb-2022 4.85 MB
vcenter-plugin-5.2.4d.tgz VCenter Image 19-Feb-2022 72.67 MB

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.3(1)F
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 15.2(6e)
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 5.2(6e)

Images File Information Release Date Size
n9000-epld.10.3.1.F.img Nexus 9000 Standalone switch EPLD Image 19-Aug-2022 254.04 MB
guestshell.10.3.1.F.ova❌ Guest Shell container image 19-Aug-2022 62.08 MB
nxos64-cs.10.3.1.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 19-Aug-2022 1980.99 MB
nxos64-msll.10.3.1.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 19-Aug-2022 1505.85 MB
aci-n9000-dk9.15.2.6e.bin Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software 30-Aug-2022 2037.72 MB
aci-apic-dk9.5.2.6e.iso APIC Image 30-Aug-2022 7056.00 MB
aci-apic-dk9.5.2.6e.ova Vapic Image for ESXi or Fusion 30-Aug-2022 6847.72 MB
apic-vrealize-5.2.6e.tgz VRA Image 30-Aug-2022 4.85 MB
vcenter-plugin-5.2.6e.tgz VCenter Image 30-Aug-2022 72.67 MB

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.3(2)F
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 15.2(7f)
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 5.2(7f)

Images File Information Release Date Size
n9000-epld.10.3.2.F.img Nexus 9000 Standalone switch EPLD Image 19-Dec-2022 258.09 MB
guestshell.10.3.2.F.ova❌ Guest Shell container image 19-Dec-2022 62.08 MB
nxos64-cs.10.3.2.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 19-Dec-2022 2190.92 MB
nxos64-msll.10.3.2.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 19-Dec-2022 1606.15 MB
aci-n9000-dk9.15.2.7f.bin Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software 09-Nov-2022 2037.72 MB
aci-apic-dk9.5.2.7f.iso APIC Image 09-Nov-2022 7279.45 MB
aci-apic-dk9.5.2.7f.ova Vapic Image for ESXi or Fusion 09-Nov-2022 7086.29 MB
apic-vrealize-5.2.6e.tgz VRA Image 30-Aug-2022 4.85 MB
vcenter-plugin-5.2.6e.tgz VCenter Image 30-Aug-2022 72.67 MB

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.3(3)F
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 16.0(2h)
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 6.0(2h)

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.4(1)F
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 16.0(3e)
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 6.0(3e)

Images File Information Release Date Size
n9000-epld.10.4.1.F.img Nexus 9000 Standalone switch EPLD Image 18-Aug-2023 313.95 MB
guestshell.10.4.1.F.ova Guest Shell container image 18-Aug-2023 61.96 MB
guestshell_4. Guest Shell 4.0 container image 18-Aug-2023 75.44 MB
nxos64-cs.10.4.1.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 18-Aug-2023 2510.50 MB
nxos64-msll.10.4.1.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 18-Aug-2023 1668.60 MB

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.4(2)F
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 16.0(4c)
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 6.0(4c)

Images File Information Release Date Size
n9000-epld.10.4.2.F.img Nexus 9000 Standalone switch EPLD Image 14-Dec-2023 313.95 MB
guestshell.10.4.2.F.ova Guest Shell container image 14-Dec-2023 64.38 MB
guestshell_4. Guest Shell 4.0 container image 14-Dec-2023 75.44 MB
nxos64-cs.10.4.2.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 14-Dec-2023 2583.14 MB
nxos64-msll.10.4.2.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 14-Dec-2023 1668.60 MB

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Mode Switch Software Release 10.4(3)F
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series ACI Mode Switch Software Release 16.0(6c)M
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 6.0(6c)M

  • 百度网盘链接:<稍后更新>
Images File Information Release Date Size
n9000-epld.10.4.3.F.img Nexus 9000 Standalone switch EPLD Image 27-Mar-2024 313.95 MB
guestshell.10.4.3.F.ova Guest Shell container image 27-Mar-2024 64.38 MB
guestshell_4. Guest Shell 4.0 container image 27-Mar-2024 75.44 MB
nxos64-cs.10.4.3.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 27-Mar-2024 2583.14 MB
nxos64-msll.10.4.3.F.bin Cisco Nexus 9000/3000 Standalone Switch 27-Mar-2024 1668.60 MB

msll 释义:

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Release Image:

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series platforms support only 64-bit image. The 64-bit Cisco NX-OS image filename begins with "nxos64-msll” (for example, nxos64-msll.10.2.3.F.bin) and this image is supported on Cisco Nexus 3600 series fixed switches and Cisco Nexus 3500-XL switches. 32-bit image is no longer supported.

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Release Image:

Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 10.2(2)F, there are two 64-bit images:

  • The 64-bit Cisco NX-OS image filename that begins with "nxos64-cs” (for example, nxos64-cs.10.2.3.F.bin). This image is supported on Cisco Nexus 9000 -EX,-FX,-FX2,-FX3,-GX series modular switches, N9K-C9364C and N9K-C9332C switch, and Cisco Nexus 9000 series fixed switches.

  • The 64-bit Cisco NX-OS image filename that begins with "nxos64-msll” (for example, nxos64-msll.10.2.3.F.bin). This image is supported on Cisco Nexus 9000 -R and -R2 series modular switches.

32-bit image is no longer supported.


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