请访问原文链接:VMware Tools 12.5.0 下载 - 客户机操作系统无缝交互必备组件 查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。
VMware Tools 是一套安装在虚拟机的操作系统中的实用程序。VMware Tools 可提高虚拟机的性能,并在 VMware 产品中实现主机与客户机便捷的交互功能。
VMware Tools 中包含一系列服务和组件,可在各种 VMware 产品中实现多种功能,从而使用户能够更好地管理客户机操作系统,以及与客户机操作系统进行无缝交互。
VMware Tools 生命周期管理为 VMware Tools 的安装和升级提供了一种简化且可扩展的方式。它包含多项功能增强和与驱动程序相关的增强,并支持新的客户机操作系统。
Open VM Tools (open-vm-tools) 是适用于 Linux 客户机操作系统的 VMware Tools 的开源实现 (sysin)。如需 Open VM Tools 源代码的最新副本,请参见 GitHub。
对于 vSphere 部署,VMware 提供了操作系统特定软件包 (OSP) 充当 VMware Tools 的打包和分发机制。有关详细信息,请参见 VMware 操作系统特定软件包。
VMware Tools 12.5.0 | 08 OCT 2024 | Build No 24276846
- Updated OpenSSL version to 3.0.14.
- Updated libxml2 version to 2.13.3.
- Updated xmlsec version to 1.3.5.
- WDDM driver supports OpenGL 4.5 software rendering when 3D acceleration is deactivated.
- VMware Tools 12.5.0 and later supports only Windows 64-bit guest operating systems.
- Windows Arm64 native support in VMware Tools Windows installer.
- Updated OpenSSL version to 3.0.13.
- Updated zlib version to 1.3.1.
- Updated glib version to 2.79.1.
- Updated glibmm version to 2.76.0.
- Updated libxml2 version to 2.12.5.
- Updated xmlsec version to 1.3.3.
- OpenGL 4.3 emulation support for x86 and x64 graphics applications on Windows Arm guest operating systems.
- Updated OpenSSL version to 3.0.12.
- Updated zlib version to 1.3.
- Updated GLib version to 2.76.3.
- OpenGL 4.2 emulated x86/x64 support for Windows ARM guest operating systems.
- Updated OpenSSL version to 3.0.8.
- Updated libxml2 version to 2.10.4.
- Updated glib version to 2.71.1.
- Updated libffi version to 3.3.
- This release resolves CVE-2023-20900.
- From VMware Tools 12.3.0 version onwards, workload notifications for NSX distributed malware prevention is enabled.
- VMware Tools 12.3.0 version provides support for Windows Arm VMs running on VMware Fusion on Apple silicon.
- This release resolves the issue of Site Recovery Manager failing to perform IP customization for Windows VMs after upgrading VMware Tools to version 12.2.5.
- Updated OpenSSL version to 3.0.8.
- Updated libxml2 version to 2.10.3.
- This release resolves CVE-2023-20867. For more information on this vulnerability and its impact on VMware products, see https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2023-0013.html
- Updated zlib to 1.2.13 with additional fixes
- Updated 7zip to 22.01
This is a maintenance release of VMware Tools to provide fixes for critical product issues and security issues.
- Updated OpenSSL to 3.0.7
- Updated zlib to 1.2.12 with additional fixes
- Updated GLib to 2.56.3 with additional fixes
- Updated libxml2 to 2.10.2
- This release resolves CVE-2022-31693. For more information on this vulnerability and its impact on VMware products, see https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2022-0029.html.
- Updated zlib version from 1.2.11 to 1.2.12.
- This release resolves CVE-2022-31676. For more information on this vulnerability and its impact on VMware products, see VMSA-2022-0024.
- Support for managing Salt Minion through guest variables. See Enable Salt Minion Using VMware Tools.
- Added Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 support.
- OpenSSL version is updated to 3.0.0.
- Support for gathering and publishing list of containers running inside Linux guests. See Configure ContainerInfo for Linux.
- This release resolves CVE-2022-22943. For more information on this vulnerability and its impact on VMware products, see https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2022-0007.html.
- For issues resolved in this release, see Resolved Issues section.
VMware Tools 12.5.0 支持以下客户机操作系统:
windows.iso 支持以下 64 位 Windows 版本 - Windows 7 SP1 或 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 及更高版本。
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 软件包是安装适用于 Windows 的 VMware Tools 12.5.0 的必备条件,并随 VMware Tools 12.5.0 下载软件包一起提供。准备 Windows 客户机进行安装时,VMware Tools 会运行 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 软件包安装程序,该安装程序会检查客户机的更新版本。如果客户机上已存在更新的版本,则不会安装该软件包。
对于 64 位 Windows 客户机,必备版本为 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) 版本 14.40.33810 和 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) 版本 14.40.33810。
要获取受支持的最新 Visual C++ 下载,请参阅 Microsoft 更新 KB2977003。
对于不满足必备条件的 Windows 版本 (sysin),不支持安装或升级到 VMware Tools 12.5.0。客户应使用或升级到 VMware Tools 11.3.5,直到他们可以更新其 Windows 操作系统以满足安装 VMware Tools 12.5.0 的必备条件为止。
Windows 操作系统级别的必备条件
- Windows Server 2022
- Windows 11
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows 10
- 包含 Microsoft 更新 KB2919355 的 Windows Server 2012 R2
- 包含 Microsoft 更新 KB2919355 的 Windows 8.1
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 8
- 包含 Microsoft 更新 KB4474419 的 Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
- 包含 Microsoft 更新 KB4474419 的 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
有关 32 位 Windows 版本(Windows 7 SP1 或 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 及更高版本)的 windows.iso 支持,请参阅 VMware Tools 12.4.5 发行说明。
适用于 Windows Arm 的 windows.iso 支持 Windows 11 Arm 64 位及更高版本。
- Windows Arm 客户机的必备版本为 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (Arm64) 版本 14.40.33810。要获取受支持的最新 Visual C++ 下载,请参阅 Microsoft 更新 KB2977003。
- 对于不满足必备条件的 Windows Arm 版本,不支持安装或升级到 VMware Tools 12.5.0。
- Windows 操作系统级别的必备条件
- Windows 11 Arm
有关 darwin.iso 版本的详细信息,请参阅 VMware Tools 12.1.0 发行说明。
有关 linux.iso 的详细信息,请参阅 VMware Tools 10.3.26 发行说明。
有关 solaris.iso 的详细信息,请参阅 VMware Tools 10.3.10 发行说明。
对于某些生命周期结束的客户机操作系统,VMware Tools ISO 映像处于冻结状态。某些 ISO 映像未随 tools-light VIB 中的 ESXi 一起提供。有关更多详细信息,请参见 VMware Tools 文档页面。
- 适用于 Windows 的 VMware Tools:当前有 64 位安装程序可执行 (.exe) 文件可供下载。提供该文件是为了在 Windows 客户机操作系统中更轻松地访问和安装 VMware Tools。
- 适用于 Windows Arm 的 VMware Tools:安装程序可执行 (.exe) 文件可供下载。
VMware Tools 12.0 for macOS, Windows
VMware Tools packages for Windows
VMware Tools packages for Windows. These packages support the following operating systems: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later
File size: 110.89 MB
Name: VMware-Tools-windows-12.0.0-19345655.zip
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: e6cd5abfe09fa67e616eee83953faf88c0652239ee9f1abf40f12013e2ad3e71VMware Tools packages for Windows
VMware Tools packages for Windows. These packages support the following operating systems: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later
File size: 110.89 MB
Name: VMware-Tools-windows-12.0.0-19345655.tar.gz
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: 00afff855d6185fc566d673901300a97c1d2bcf20772b531c0646d36e42401a7VMware Tools packages for macOS
VMware Tools packages for macOS. These packages support the following operating systems: macOS 10.11 and later
File size: 2.72 MB
Name: VMware-Tools-darwin-12.0.0-19345655.zip
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: 785d1bbee5e8ec3e9655c448842618547c95986d9e9d2f44dfd3f8f727fd4251VMware Tools packages for macOS
VMware Tools packages for macOS. These packages support the following operating systems: macOS 10.11 and later
File size: 2.72 MB
Name: VMware-Tools-darwin-12.0.0-19345655.tar.gz
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: 6b47c5ccf27ff5a2e3cb9cf22241064bbc0043568b85ecabdc3adc347d09dd64VMware Tools for Windows, 32-bit in-guest installer
File size: 36.03 MB
Name: VMware-tools-12.0.0-19345655-i386.exe.zip
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: f4d47e9b245a19d96985819b02869b33dcb5338598095d64331ee0f9ae6a4890VMware Tools for Windows, x64 in-guest installer
File size: 71.30 MB
Name: VMware-tools-12.0.0-19345655-x86_64.exe.zip
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: f16dfb51bb1d0ab7be438fdb3cf35ab32b8afedd839daad71653dff25815efa5VMware Tools packages for GuestStore
VMware Tools packages for GuestStore based VMware Tools upgrade. These packages support the Windows guests running with VMware Tools 11.2.5 or later.
File size: 107.33 MB
Name: gueststore-vmtools-12.0.0-19345655-19346243.zip
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: 8a66aec034fbace7a3a0ae2b0634b741d8ef3284c6ecfdd555530d478c60923aVMware Tools packages for GuestStore
VMware Tools packages for GuestStore based VMware Tools upgrade. These packages support the Windows guests running with VMware Tools 11.2.5 or later.
File size: 107.33 MB
Name: gueststore-vmtools-12.0.0-19345655-19346243.tar.gz
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: abd8c01e7a5e7cc429eadf11c10dad47ef6f49a9c73781a4e46e412a2a0bbb49VMware Tools Offline VIB Bundle
File size: 489.53 MB
Name: VMware-Tools-12.0.0-core-offline-depot-ESXi-all-19345655.zip
Release Date: 2022-03-01
SHA256SUM: 12b23b275826bf2a48b146b52c9d76ae6cdea0ccb36b1bb56eb8f7758937a7a4
VMware Tools 12.0.5 for macOS, Windows
VMware Tools 12.1.0 for macOS, Windows
VMware Tools 12.1.5 (12.1.5 for Darwin 官方已经取消下载,实际同 12.1.0)
VMware Tools 12.2.0 for Windows only
VMware Tools 12.2.5 for Windows only
VMware Tools 12.2.6 for Windows only
此版本解决了将 VMware Tools 升级到版本 12.2.5 后,Site Recovery Manager 无法对 Windows 虚拟机执行 IP 自定义的问题。
VMware Tools 12.3.0 for Windows x86 & arm
新增支持在 Apple 芯片上的 VMware Fusion 上运行的 Windows Arm VM。
VMware Tools 12.3.5 for Windows x86 & arm, for macOS version 12.1.1
VMware Tools 12.4.0 for Windows x86 & arm
VMware Tools 12.4.5 for Windows x86 & arm (Jun 13, 2024)
macOS 请使用版本 12.1.x。
Linux 请使用系统软件包管理命令安装,例如:yum install open-vm-tools
,apt install open-vm-tools
VMware Tools 12.5.0 for Windows x64 & arm64 (08 OCT 2024)
Windows 32-bit 请使用 12.4.5,此版本开始不在支持 32-bit Windows。
macOS 请使用版本 12.1.x。
Linux 请使用系统软件包管理命令安装,例如:yum install open-vm-tools
,apt install open-vm-tools
参看:如何安装 VMware Tools (macOS, Linux, Windows)